Süße Hovawart Hunde

IHF WM IGP-FH in Niederndodeleben / Germany

IHF World Championship – Tracking Dog Competition

Ergebnisse und Fotos

This year’s world championship was held on September 24th to 26th, 2021 in Sachsen-Anhalt/Germany. On the extensive grounds around Niederndodeleben, a small village west of Magdeburg, 11 teams from the IHF member countries competed for the title.

Congratulations to the IHF Tracking Dog World Champion 2021

Sabine Keßler and Escada from Hohenloher Land secured the title in an exciting competition.

Sonja von Aschen with Morro aus dem Emsland (2) * Sabine Keßler with Escada vom Hohenloher Land (1) * Erika Palne Toth with Pusztai Pandur Lotusz (3)

Results board IHF WM IGP-FH

Regional Group Oldenburg-Lower Saxony
Performance judge: Heinz Kraus, Frank Heindorf
Supervisor: Anno Reifenrath
Organisation: Heiko Drechsler
Tracker: Sascha Dolle, Susan Kolley, David Broneske, Michael Dymke, Lothar Gottschalk, Susanne Drechsler
Misleading tracks: Lothar Gottschalk, Heiko Drechsler

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Photo album (in order of appearance)

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Süße Hovawart Hunde